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Search results

  1. Rick C.


    It's causing issues in the upgraded forums. We're working on a fix.  Hopefully this week (week of Oct 2, 2022)
  2. Rick C.

    Donations Support for TMLfans

    Hey folks... Just a reminder that it costs money to maintain and keep upgrading TMLfans.ca... Add to that, the monthly server costs are a pain... 1. Many of you support TMLfans monthly via Paypal or Patreon. Others donate once in a while through various means.  DO NOT FEEL YOU HAVE TO! There's...
  3. Rick C.


    I haven?t forgot. Still on it :)
  4. Rick C.

    NHL and Leafs resources

    Time to update my bookmarks.  What are the best resources for following stuff like up-to-the-minute news, really good contract and salary websites, great player profiles, stats resources, etc etc etc? Please do share!
  5. Rick C.


    Hi.  I'm downgrading the server.  I pay about $110/month for the server that hosts TMLFANS. I just can't justify those costs.  I've downgraded to a server that should still be robust enough to manage the forums. The move will come between now and 72 hrs - best guess.  We could lose some posts...
  6. Rick C.

    Fake News

    If you really believe that the media is fake news, now is your chance to prove it. Eat all the damn lettuce that you want!
  7. Rick C.

    A little help

    Can one or two of you send me a test message.  I'm trying revamp this contact form but it's taking hours for the mail to come through.  Much appreciated! https://www.tmlfans.ca/contact/
  8. Rick C.

    Hockey Podcasts

    Are there any podcasts of the Leafs or hockey in general that you like?  Please share!
  9. Rick C.

    WIN a copy of The Hall

    Veteran author Kevin Shea, in coordination with Griffintown Media, has released a coffee table book simply titled ?The Hall.? Stocked with over 150 pages of colour and black and white images from hockey?s most famous museum, the book presents a chronology of its evolution, beginning with its...
  10. Rick C.

    Couch's Corner Resurrection

    I've put together a couple issues now.  Check it out, and if you like it, please share ;) http://www.tmlfans.ca/12818couchs-corner-oct-13-2018/
  11. Rick C.

    StubHub tickets?

    What is the latest you can buy tickets on StubHub leading up to the start of the game.  Some places say they stop sales 6 hrs before the game. Anyone know for certain?
  12. Rick C.

    Couch's Corner Oct 12th

    Dartguy gets his own radio show.  3 Ds that had it rough last night.  Loving Hainsey's PK role.  And more... http://www.tmlfans.ca/12176couchs-corner-oct-12-2017/
  13. Rick C.

    Couch's Corner Oct 11th

    Here's a look at the Leafs vs Devils game tonight, understanding extended stats, and more... http://www.tmlfans.ca/12168couchs-corner-oct-11-2017/
  14. Rick C.

    Couch's Corner Oct 10th

    Matthews, Brown, stats, and more. http://www.tmlfans.ca/12163couchs-corner-oct-10-2017/
  15. Rick C.

    Couch's Corner Oct 5th

    It's back.  Not sure if it's any good though... http://www.tmlfans.ca/12135couchs-corner-oct-5-2017/
  16. Rick C.

    More Leafs Honoured

    Ahead of the Toronto Maple Leafs home opener at Air Canada Centre, the club will honour four alumni in a special ceremony.  Bronze statues honouring Charlie Conacher, Red Kelly, Frank Mahovlich and Wendel Clark will be unveiled on Leafs Legends Row Thursday evening in front of family, friends...
  17. Rick C.

    Tom Petty - dead

    Found unconscious after cardiac arrest.  Has since been taken off life support, so says TMZ.
  18. Rick C.

    Vegas Tragedy

    As of 11am Monday, over 50 dead and over 400 injured.  Gunman is dead.  64 yrs old and living in a seniors apartment?  Strange guy. Trump spoke 30 mins ago.  As much as I think Donald is an ass, his words were bang on.  First 'presidential' speech I've heard from him.
  19. Rick C.


    Here's the thread for Road Hockey to Conquer Cancer and what you can do to help TMLfans.ca! http://www.tmlfans.ca/community/index.php?topic=4589.0
  20. Rick C.


    Hey.  We're hoping to move this website to a new server between now and Sunday. This means that some posts will likely go missing.  The site will likely be down for a number of hours.  There is also a slight risk that the forums may have to be closed for good.  We're doing all we can to have...