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Search results

  1. Rick C.

    TMLfans and Road Hockey to Conquer Cancer

    We had a great day Saturday!  Thanks to all for your support. Here's the story and pic of the team: http://www.tmlfans.ca/11542tmlfans-raises-money-for-cancer/
  2. Rick C.

    Donations Needed

    I'm joined by a group of folks here at TMLfans.ca for the Road Hockey to Conquer Cancer tournament event. As you know, usually a couple times yearly I nicely beg for donations to help pay for our web server.  In lieu of that, can anyone spare a few bucks for the Road Hockey day fundraiser? ...
  3. Rick C.

    Edwin, seriously!

    Edwin. It's great to 'score', but ya gotta play nicely and keep your bat clean!
  4. Rick C.

    Just sayin' hello!

    I just wanted to say a friendly hello.  What's new in your life?  New car? New job? New mistress? Very little new for me.  Camped at Killbear for a few days before my dog got sick a couple weeks back. Have I told you folks about my dog?  I have a service dog that we're raising/training.  He's...
  5. Rick C.


    Buck Martinez has been out of the broadcast booth for quite some time now.  The official word is that he is coming back from 'vacation' tomorrow. Any idea why he's really been away?  Was he shut down by the Jays for negativity about the team, or a health or personal issue? I actually miss him...
  6. Rick C.

    My new volunteering role

    I've got a new volunteer gig - I'm on my third week now. I have a service dog puppy.  I'm raising and training it through National Service Dogs of Canada.  He's 11 weeks now.  He's fit into our household nicely.  Every Monday night I go train with NSD.  In 18 months he'll finalize specialized...
  7. Rick C.


    20 years ago today I purchased the domain name Penaltybox.com.  Twenty years...  We still own that domain...
  8. Rick C.

    Anyone been around here 10 yrs?

  9. Rick C.

    Jays Retain Bautista, Dickey, Encarnacion

    BlueJays retain Bautista ($14M US), Dickey ($12M), Encarnacion ($10M).
  10. Rick C.

    Music Downloads

    Hey.  I'm growing a conscience it seems.  I want to actually start paying for my music. What are the best sources of downloading songs?  Other than iTunes.  Something that I can use on my Android phone.  Anyone?
  11. Rick C.

    Berezin arrested

    Sergei is in some hot water: http://www.wpbf.com/news/former-nhl-player-busted-for-medicaid-fraud/34422680
  12. Rick C.

    Nik Anrtropov

    Says here he's looking at a return the the NHL?  His kid plays hockey in the GTHL? http://hockeyonthego.com/511_antropov-ready-for-nhl-return/
  13. Rick C.

    Bracco Opting for Kitchener?

  14. Rick C.

    The Leafs Management vs NHL

    Shanny, Lou, Hunter, Dubas, Babcock...  I'm convinced they're on the right track.  Name me a team that has a better group leading their organization?!  I like it.  A lot.
  15. Rick C.


    Happy Draft Day! TMLfans.ca is more than 40% of the way to our fundraising goal for the Road Hockey To Conquer Cancer event this September. We?ve committed to raising $10,000 as a team. We?ve got 12 players lined up who will play in 5 road hockey games in this awesome event, which takes place...
  16. Rick C.

    Hockey Links Site?

    Hey, does anyone know of a really good links site?  Something that links to official hockey sites, media sites, and blogs - or something similar to that?  Kinda all-encompassing?
  17. Rick C.


    Rumours out there that Brandon Wheat Kings Owner/GM/Coach Kelly McCrimmon will be Leafs GM.
  18. Rick C.

    Ads on TMLfans.ca

    I'm somewhat debating taking ads down completely and just pay the $150/mth hosting out of pocket.  I got a cheque today - I kid you not - for $1.47 from one of our main advertisers.  I'm gonna frame that sucker.  I wonder what it cost them to make it and mail it...
  19. Rick C.


    Anyone have one?  Is it decent?
  20. Rick C.

    Best Anti-Virus and Malware scanners

    What's everyone using these days?