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Search results

  1. Rick C.

    MOVED: Nerd question

    This topic has been moved to Non-Hockey Chatter. http://www.tmlfans.ca/community/index.php?topic=2044.0
  2. Rick C.

    Nerd question

    My nephew is going to be on the Rick Mercer Report tonight.  I've got Rogers cable, with pvr, but my sister-in-law wants it taped so she can share it.  I don't have a tv-tuner in my laptop... Any best way to tape this somehow and throw it on a DVD?
  3. Rick C.

    Car Insurance

    I've had mine and my family's insurance with State Farm for the last 25 years.  My brother was our agent.  They were good to us - whenever we had a claim, someone was on it right away.  All repairs were good, and we always had their rental car. But, my brother has retired.  And our insurance is...
  4. Rick C.

    Google/Wordpress Indexing

    Hoping someone can help me.  TMLfans.ca's wordpress pages are no longer indexed anywhere in Google - they used to be heavily indexed.  The forums are fine, other non-wordpress pages are fine, it's just pages created in Wordpress are not showing up in Google indexing. Anyone?
  5. Rick C.

    Long day at the ACC?

    One of the beat reporters overheard Carlyle on the ice barking out that they'd better put some effort in - they have the ice until 4pm today.
  6. Rick C.

    Sedins Re-signed

    4 year deal, $28 million each
  7. Rick C.

    Front Page Poll

    Can you folks visit our front page?  It's got a new poll on goaltending.  Just trying to get the news section busy again...  http://www.tmlfans.ca/
  8. Rick C.

    Kessel 2nd Star of the Week

    http://www.nhl.com/ice/news.htm?id=688856&navid=nhl:topheads Kessel found the back of the net in all three of Toronto's games, leading the NHL with five goals while scoring on half of his 10 shots...
  9. Rick C.


    Hey.  You all know Rob (ONE OF THE OWNERS OF TMLfans).  He's just co-authored a book.  It's a great read!  Best, Worst And Biggest Nhl Trades, by Andrew Podnieks, Robert del Mundo http://www.chapters.indigo.ca/books/best-worst-and-biggest-nhl/9781552679173-item.html
  10. Rick C.

    Hockey Parody

    Pretty neat CBC 22 Minutes search for a HNIC song: http://www.cbc.ca/22minutes/episodes/season-21/episode-213 It's about 1:30 in or so...
  11. Rick C.

    Bobby Ryan

    If you get a chance, check out the Sportsnet feature on Bobby Ryan, and what he had to go through as a youngster.  Pretty compelling documentary!
  12. Rick C.

    Please vote for a friend

    My good friend's daughter is a young model and could use some voting support.  I'd consider it a favour if you could all go and vote for Chloe.  It's quick and simple! https://apps.facebook.com/grgmodelsearch/contests/327753/voteable_entries/68840220
  13. Rick C.

    Hey. Question Please

    We have 3 prominent ads on the forums.  I hope to get rid of at least one, but I need to find out what ads you folks see.  I think it's someone different for different people.  Right now to my left is SEO EXPERT, and both above and to my right are ads for LINK DETOX. Can a few of you please...
  14. Rick C.

    Webpages on your HDTV

    I put this out to Facebook, as well. Right now I can: - hook up my laptop to TV via HDMI.  I can stream television shows linked off webpages to the TV.  Cool. But I don't want to keep hooking up and unhooking my laptop.  I'm trying to find an easy, cheap solution that will allow me to see...
  15. Rick C.

    Training Camp - Sept 11

    I suspect Sportsnet, LeafsTV, and radio 590 will have media scrums of General Manager David Nonis (11:15 am) and Head Coach Randy Carlyle (11:45 am).
  16. Rick C.

    Leafs on Facebook

    Just checking to make sure everyone knows about our Facebook page:  https://www.facebook.com/TMLfans Check it out and hit LIKE!
  17. Rick C.

    Training Camp Roster

  18. Rick C.

    Joey Votto

    Bragging time... Too cool. My sis-in-law Mary-Lynne is a cousin with Joey Votto.  She went to Cincy last weekend to hang with him a couple days. She brought me an autographed hat! I know his mom but haven't met him yet. Dude makes $24 million/year for the next 10. Unreal.
  19. Rick C.

    Did I miss something??

    I've had access to both the Star and Sun paper editions for the past several months.  What's with them charging online now?  Any work-a-rounds?
  20. Rick C.

    Sorry boys. Ms Gretzky is going for the big Johnson.

    http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2013/08/19/paulina-gretzky-engagement-dustin-johnson_n_3777844.html?1376904765 Engaged to PGA golfer Dustin Johnson.