After having been swept by the A.L East leading Boston Red Sox at home and being outscored 29-6 in total, the Blue Jays (37-44) now embark on a three-game road trip to New York to face the New York Yankees (43-37).
While a series of this type would bring anticipation amongst Blue Jay fans, for the Jays themselves it brinsg nothing short of trepidation at best.
Considering the way things have been going, in the Yankees, the Jays will face another hitting team. Particularly in the personification of Yankees' rookie sensation Aaron Judge.
Oh, oh. Haven't we heard that song before. Judge has just about feasted on Toronto pitching, much in the same way everyone else has this season.
The Blue Jays have fallen 9.5 GBL Boston in the A.L. East, they have also lost ground in the Wildcard race. They are 4.5GB and they would have to overtake the Yankees and the Tampa Bay Rays for that WC position. They are losing ground and unless they extricate themselves from this losing cycle and stop falling further and further behind, that WC spot will start looking like a downright impossibility rather than a potential possibility.
Things need to change. Soon.