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Sports Talk Radio Thread


Active member
This thread is meant to replace the "Changes at the FAN 590" thread and to add discussion about TSN radio too.

I was listening to the TSN 1050 this morning (I gave Brady a shot for the first time in a couple months, but I didn't last very long after he actually started talking). Dan Shulman weighed in on the Jays trade - I really enjoy listening to him. The Richards show seems to do quite a bit of clowning around, but they get some decent guests.

Enter Steve Simmons. While I cringe at the name, he brought up the one name that I have been thinking about related to meddling parents re: the acquisition of Colby Rasmus - Eric Lindros. What does that say about me? ???

Also, good to hear Gord Stellick back on the FAN. Looks like the Andrew Krystal experiment is over. Not sure what happened to him, haven't bothered to do any looking online to find out. :)

Edit: So after that last statement, I looked and found out Krystal was fired. How about that?
Good call on the thread.

I've complained enough about Brady on the last thread, but basically can't listen to him for the very reasons you suggested.  His rants on twitter are equally annoying, although I'm blocked now since I dared to question his BS. :D

Richards is okay, but the clowning around gets odd.  He sounds like a late middle aged guy trying too hard act like he's 25 again.  Still better than the alternative.  One thing that bugs me is what seems to be random co-hosts who are on from time to time, can't tell who they are, and they ramble on about things I don't care about.  Continuity problem.

I was thinking about this same topic as well today.

I was excited for TSN 1050 to start, and listened to them the majority of the time for their first month or so, but I find myself now listening way more to the Fan 590 than TSN.

I've really gotten to like Jim Lang.  He was spooky on TV, but I think he is great on the radio.  Brady on the other hand is an over-the-top whiner.  He's tough to stomach most of the time.  The alternative, Mike Richards, is someone I can barely listen to anymore.  He gets all creepy at times and those mock interviews have become ridiculous.

I can't help it -- McCown is way better to listen to than Cybulski.  The latter tries too hard at being a hard-knock; it still doesn't seem like a right fit for him.  I've even found Bob McKenzie to not sound right on radio.
HockeyCentral at noon has started up again and I got to listen to noted Canucks apologist John Garrett once again complain about the officiating in the Stanley Cup final.... great way to start off my lunch.
Derk said:
HockeyCentral at noon has started up again and I got to listen to noted Canucks apologist John Garrett once again complain about the officiating in the Stanley Cup final.... great way to start off my lunch.

Did you hear them talking about Greg Millen? Dare I hope that means that Millen has jumped ship to Sportsnet and would be off LeafsTV and CBC or is he a Sportsnet guy already due to the Leafs TV deal?
lamajama said:
Derk said:
HockeyCentral at noon has started up again and I got to listen to noted Canucks apologist John Garrett once again complain about the officiating in the Stanley Cup final.... great way to start off my lunch.

Did you hear them talking about Greg Millen? Dare I hope that means that Millen has jumped ship to Sportsnet and would be off LeafsTV and CBC or is he a Sportsnet guy already due to the Leafs TV deal?

Only when they asked MacLean which goalie he would rather start (Millen or Garrett) and that he was a fast skater. I didn't hear anything of substance. Then again, it is Millen, after all. :)
Mike In New York City said:
Gord Stellick is leaving the Fan to work with CBC and HNIC.

Ugh. I listened to his last show on 590 grudgingly (nothing else was more suitable in it's time slot for me). Hopefully it's a minimal role.
I actually don't mind Stellick. He's one of the few radio/TV guys without a hint of arrogance to him. I find that refreshing.
I had the 640 pre game show on, and Watters was asked who he thought had to play better in order to make the team.

He then said (paraphrased) "I don't know if he's playing tonight, but Nazem Kadri, I don't have the line up with me"

What is that, he is co-hosting a pre-game show and he doesn't even know who is in the line-up?

I really hope TSN radio get the Leaf broadcast rights after this season.
Floyd said:
Watters.  >:(  How he still has a job is beyond me. I blame global warming and the shotage of suitable icy drifts.
I truly believe that the crap that Watters spews directly contributes to local warming.
Mike In New York City said:
Gord Stellick is leaving the Fan to work with CBC and HNIC.

I was wondering what had happened, but didn't really have time to investigate more closely. Good luck to him.
What is it with Sportsnet / the FAN? Now they have changed their name to Sportsnet 590 the FAN, and have shortened their logo to SN590 The FAN. Knee-jerk response to TSN? What is with all these changes? Seems to me companies don't do stuff like this unless they are starting to slip (I almost typed "circle the bowl", but I doubt sportsnet is that bad off).
Derk said:
What is it with Sportsnet / the FAN? Now they have changed their name to Sportsnet 590 the FAN, and have shortened their logo to SN590 The FAN. Knee-jerk response to TSN? What is with all these changes? Seems to me companies don't do stuff like this unless they are starting to slip (I almost typed "circle the bowl", but I doubt sportsnet is that bad off).

They have revamped the branding on all of their platforms as of today. That also included rebranding Setanta as Sportsnet World. Too bad they didn't drop the price on that service to go with the new look.
The new music for HockeyCentral at Noon is terrible. It vaguely reminds me of the opening music for the Superman movies from the 70s-80s.
I just had to turn off Hockey Central at noon because Kypreos wouldn't shut up and let Mark Spector talk. Of course, as far as I could tell, Kypper was arguing a different point, but that's just me. I can't often stand that show, much like Brady and Lang, which I seldom have on any more.
I heard Andy Frost is out next year as the post game guy in the re-org. Now, I know he's the homer of all homers but in a habitual way, I'm going to miss him on my drives home when I'm working nights. Maybe the new guy(s) will be better. 
Sarge said:
I heard Andy Frost is out next year as the post game guy in the re-org. Now, I know he's the homer of all homers but in a habitual way, I'm going to miss him on my drives home when I'm working nights. Maybe the new guy(s) will be better. 

Is that because they are moving the games to TSN and the FAN under the new ownership?