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Stay Classy Boston


New member
please move if already posted.

I guess some Leaf fan was knocked out at the end of game 2 in Boston.
Sad people do this. Makes hockey fans look bad.


I mentioned that I heard about this in the game thread, but didn't know there was a video. I'm almost hesitant to watch it. I also mentioned the hateful tweet (that most people know about by now) against Kessel by Cameron Frye that's being talked about on Twitter right now.

I know on person doesn't represent them all, but I hope Leafs fans never ever sink to this level. Ever.
oakl0008 said:
I mentioned that I heard about this in the game thread, but didn't know there was a video. I'm almost hesitant to watch it. I also mentioned the hateful tweet (that most people know about by now) against Kessel by Cameron Frye that's being talked about on Twitter right now.

I hope Ferris Bueller had a long chat with Frye about it.
oakl0008 said:
I know on person doesn't represent them all, but I hope Leafs fans never ever sink to this level. Ever.

Well, I hate to break it to you but there have been lots and lots of Leafs fans who've gotten drunk at games and gotten into fights afterwards. There's nothing inherently worse about this because it was one team's fans vs. another as opposed to say, "I don't like your face". There's a percentage of fans of any team who are just morons.
Without knowing the details about what happened, how can anyone sit here and rag on Boston?  For all we know, the Leaf fan could have started it, thrown the first punch, etc.  Let's not just assume the Boston fan punched this guy out for no reason, or just because the B's lost.
LittleHockeyFan said:
what did cameron frye say about kessel? i don't see this anywhere?...

Good grief, with what's transpired in Boston so recently, and with Phil's medical history, this is just so venemous and cruel.  Unbelievable, really, for a 'professional' journalist to use social media like this.
Champ Kind said:
Good grief, with what's transpired in Boston so recently, and with Phil's medical history, this is just so venemous and cruel.  Unbelievable, really, for a 'professional' journalist to use social media like this.

I like how you put "professional" in quotes, since she's a blogger for the Huffington Post. :P
HuffPost needs to have nothing further to do with this totally useless beeyotch. terrible, terrible 'journalism'.

I'm disgusted that HuffPost would even bother with this??..I can't say it in a family forum.
I was offered tickets to both games 1 and 2 in boston.. I refuse to go.. I get way too emotional watching the leafs and the fans in Bosotn can be ruthless.. Not a good combo. I once my 12 year old daughter with me. Her and I had Leaf hats on. that is it.. I never said boo. This group of guys probably in early 20's were incredibly harassing. one dude wanted to giht me. Could have cared less that I had a young daughter with me. If I were with friends it could have gotten way out of hand who knows.I reported to security and left early. Wrote the Bruins a letter but never heard back. It was disguisting. I realize every team has these type of fans. But it takes fun out of going to a leafs game here for me..
Article from the Star:

oakl0008 said:
Article from the Star:


"kayoed" is a word now?  I always thought it was "KO-ed."

edit: or even "KO'd."
It's not even an original line. Wishing "cancer of the aids" on someone is directly stolen from one of Patton Oswalt's stand-up bits.
It's hard to find fault with the idiots in Boston who says things like that, when we have our own idiots in Toronto that do this:

the "Leaf fan" who did that is a complete and total jackass. Moron. Jerk. I hope the people of Boston know he's on his own, I don't know anyone who would condone that kind of insensitivity and inappropriateness. grrrrrr.
Bad taste, can we prove it was actually a Boston fan in disguise trying to make Leafs Nation look bad?  :-[
In every "nation" there are bound to be a selection of morons and jerks.  Their individual actions need to be decried, but I wouldn't waste any time worrying that they somehow represent the rest of the fanbase.  It's an old logical fallacy.  Some famous philosopher once said, "Hitler was a nature lover, and I'm a nature lover, but that doesn't make me a Nazi."