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The 2013/'14 Season NFL Thread


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Peyton Manning not only led the Denver Broncos to a 49-24 romp over the Super Bowl defending champion Baltimore Ravens,  he also became the sixth player in NFL history to throw seven touchdowns in one game.

This was the season opener and boy did the Broncos
open with aplomb.
Wes Walker, Julius Thomas and Demarius Thomas were on the receiving end of Manning's passes, recipients of two touchdown each.

Source:  Sportsnet
Attention Denver Bronco fans...the Broncos quarterback Peyton Manning vaulted past Miami's Dan Marino on the NFL's total yardage passing list, with 61,371 to Marino's 61,361.

Manning's ascension came in last Sunday's 51-48 Denver win over the Dallas Cowboys.

The NFL's all-time yardage passing leader is Brett Favre, with a total of 71,838.

Source:  Sportsnet
The Patriots quarterback Tom Brady sports the winningest percentage among starting QBs with .779.  Previously held by the 'Niners Joe Montana, just shy of the mark, followed by the Steelers Ben Roethlisberger and the Broncos Peyton Manning.

Source:  CBSsports
Another interesting spin on top of the Leiweke /Bon Jovi / Bills connection...

Bell/Rogers (MLSE) takes X (X being just a pant load of dough) to allow another NHL team in this market... That dough goes towards building a NFL stadium in T.O. (it wouldn't pay for it all.) - Maybe a third to half? I really don't know what this market could be worth to another potential NHL team owner.

If it makes financial sense for all parties? Hmmm...
Dr. Bobby Leafer said:
Another interesting spin on top of the Leiweke /Bon Jovi / Bills connection...

Bell/Rogers (MLSE) takes X (X being just a pant load of dough) to allow another NHL team in this market... That dough goes towards building a NFL stadium in T.O. (it wouldn't pay for it all.) - Maybe a third to half? I really don't know what this market could be worth to another potential NHL team owner.

If it makes financial sense for all parties? Hmmm...

I don't see that as being a significant factor when you're talking about the 1-2 billion dollars that a NFL team likely represents as an investment. If the NFL makes financial sense in this city, and I don't see how it does, I don't think shaving a couple hundred million dollars off the Stadium costs changes that in any meaningful way(especially not if a second NHL team devalues the Leafs/Raptors). Rogers/Bell are pretty well capitalized so that wouldn't be an impediment to them.
Nik the Trik said:
I don't see that as being a significant factor when you're talking about the 1-2 billion dollars that a NFL team likely represents as an investment. If the NFL makes financial sense in this city, and I don't see how it does, I don't think shaving a couple hundred million dollars off the Stadium costs changes that in any meaningful way(especially not if a second NHL team devalues the Leafs/Raptors). Rogers/Bell are pretty well capitalized so that wouldn't be an impediment to them.

What if it's significantly more that a couple hundred million? Say, 500 million or more? Or, enough of a chunk to make it worth looking at anyway... Again, I have no idea what this market is worth though.
Dr. Bobby Leafer said:
What if it's significantly more that a couple hundred million? Say, 500 million or more? Or, enough of a chunk to make it worth looking at anyway... Again, I have no idea what this market is worth though.

I suppose then I don't see the connection. It seems like you're talking about two largely separate decisions that would either stand or fail on their own. If Rogers/Bell want to put a NFL team in Toronto they wouldn't need someone else to put up a big chunk of the dough upfront and, likewise, if someone out there wanted to pay them enough of a relocation fee that it not only off-set the damage it might to to the Leafs/Raptors or whoever but also was enormously profitable for them it would make sense regardless of any NFL ambitions they had. Not to mention at that point you're basically putting a price tag of nearly a billion dollars on this hypothetical second Toronto NHL team which seems unrealistic to me to begin with.
I wonder if NHL territorial rights money alone would be enough to completely expand/overhaul the dome into a facility that makes sense for bothe the Jays and a NFL team?

Edit: The Bills could continue to play out of Buffalo until renovations were complete. - Likely a few years anyway.

EDit 2: Though what do you do with the Jays during construction? Hmmm...
Nik the Trik said:
I suppose then I don't see the connection.

The connection lies in the territorial rights money. What if that's the only way Bell/Rogers are willing to look at a NFL deal?
Dr. Bobby Leafer said:
Nik the Trik said:
I suppose then I don't see the connection.

The connection lies in the territorial rights money. What if that's the only way Bell/Rogers are willing to look at a NFL deal?

Why would that be, though? Unless your argument is that Bell/Rogers would very much like to pursue an NFL team but aren't financially able absent relocation money in which case I think you're drastically underestimating what those companies are worth.
Nik the Trik said:
Dr. Bobby Leafer said:
Nik the Trik said:
I suppose then I don't see the connection.

The connection lies in the territorial rights money. What if that's the only way Bell/Rogers are willing to look at a NFL deal?

Why would that be, though? Unless your argument is that Bell/Rogers would very much like to pursue an NFL team but aren't financially able absent relocation money in which case I think you're drastically underestimating what those companies are worth.

It is for the most part and I very well could be underestimating their worth. That said, even if they did have the wherewithal without the relocation money, I'm sure they'd at least look at a plan involving it. Really, it would be basically be free money (if they needed it) - and I say free because I'm not sure a second NHL team in or near this city hurts the Leafs much if at all. I guess it boils down to what makes the most business sense.

Dr. Bobby Leafer said:
It is for the most part and I very well could be underestimating their worth.

Well, in that case there's no "could" about it. Even ignoring the financial capabilities of those two respective companies, and both could spring for the entirety of an NFL franchise by themselves, NFL teams are such solid investments that neither would have the slightest problem raising the capital through other means.

Dr. Bobby Leafer said:
That said, even if they did have the wherewithal without the relocation money, I'm sure they'd at least look at a plan involving it. Really, it would be basically be free money (if they needed it) - and I say free because I'm not sure a second NHL team in or near this city hurts the Leafs much if at all.

Well, as I said above, they don't need that money. But more to the point it's not "free" money regardless. If they can raise a ton of money through a relocation fee then that's still money they'd have to choose to spend on a NFL team rather than return to shareholders and to do so they'd have to be able to justify the investment in a NFL team and if they can do that then, again, the influx of any relocation money doesn't significantly affect that.

More to the point if the relocation fee would be the windfall you seem to think then wouldn't it stand to reason that they'd pursue it regardless of an NFL team? Otherwise why would Rogers/Bell pass up the kind of money that you think would represent such a significant benefit to them at what you think would be little to no cost?
Of course they could invest that money elsewhere should they explore that route. Maybe though (obviously I have no idea) they might feel that MLSE with a NFL team is about as solid of an investment they could make.

Edit: Also, who knows, maybe they've been looking at selling the rights for a while now. Who knows?
Dr. Bobby Leafer said:
Maybe though (obviously I have no idea) they might feel that MLSE with a NFL team is about as solid of an investment they could make.

I'm sure they would, which is why any hypothetical relocation fee would have very little to do with their decision.
Another thing I'm considering is that this market is growing so dang quickly. Heck, in 50 years, it could support 3 or more teams. More and more people are going to push for a piece. Maybe MLSE would be better served to sell their rights at top dollar now before these right are challenged in the courts and rechallanged as the market grows.

If now's the time to sell, why not put that money into a NFL team?

Edited for grammar. - using a tiny tablet.
Dr. Bobby Leafer said:
Another thing I'm considering is that this market is growing so dang quickly. Heck, in 50 years, it could support 3 or more teams. More and more people are going to push for a piece. Maybe MLSE would be better served to sell their rights at top dollar now before these right are challenged in the courts and rechallanged as the market grows.

If now's the time to sell, why not put that money into a NFL team?

Edited for grammar. - using a tiny tablet.

Well, I still don't get the connection you're trying to make between two very different decisions for MLSE but it's worth mentioning here that the "rights" you're talking about aren't really the Leafs' to sell and there's existing dispute as to what they are. The League, as per the Balsillie case, doesn't think the Leafs have any sort of veto as it exists so if the League wanted to put a second team in Toronto then A) the Leafs wouldn't get to hold up any transaction until a hypothetical price was met and B) that price wouldn't be determined by the Leafs anyway.

If there was going to be a second team in Toronto, and that seems to be a pretty low priority for the league, it would probably come via expansion as opposed to relocation as that way the league would take a piece of whatever the rights are to that second team. Again, though, this has nothing to do with an NFL franchise.