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Anyone been around here 10 yrs?

Rick C.

Site Owner
Staff member
Approaching 15 years this May.  Crazy.  Remember that site.  Remember the people.  Wish some would come back.
I think I remember getting daily emails before it evolved into a forum. I am long time reader, selective poster.
Been here roughly 14 years at this point. Rick, I don't say it enough but thanks so much for all you do to keep this place going.
AtomicMapleLeaf said:
cabber24 said:
I think I remember getting daily emails before it evolved into a forum. I am long time reader, selective poster.

Same here, been around this group since the plaidworks days.
Interesting, I thought I could identify the vets by their post totals. Apparently not.
It's crazy that the 'Rivals.com' network was 16 years ago.  That was weird times.

I remember back when Canada79 would post here when he lived in Hamilton.  I honestly don't know how long ago that was.  I just lurk here now.
cabber24 said:
AtomicMapleLeaf said:
cabber24 said:
I think I remember getting daily emails before it evolved into a forum. I am long time reader, selective poster.

Same here, been around this group since the plaidworks days.
Interesting, I thought I could identify the vets by their post totals. Apparently not.

I've had a couple of different names, and I rarely post.  Just like to read everyone's opinion.
Nik the Trik said:
Been here roughly 14 years at this point. Rick, I don't say it enough but thanks so much for all you do to keep this place going.

About the same for me, exactly.

And Rick , I'm guilty too, not saying thanks enough. I have kicked in the odd donation though.

Anybody remember, and miss, Shayne?
Zanzibar Buck-Buck McFate said:
Nik the Trik said:
Been here roughly 14 years at this point. Rick, I don't say it enough but thanks so much for all you do to keep this place going.

About the same for me, exactly.

And Rick , I'm guilty too, not saying thanks enough. I have kicked in the odd donation though.

Anybody remember, and miss, Shayne?

I remember Shayne. Been here since '04.
Stebro and I were friends on a completely unrelated forum, he introduced me to this place around 2000/2001 I believe.

I lived in Canada for a year in 2003 and I'd been on this site for several years at that point, so it might even have been a little before that.

I remember Shayne, I sent him over a copy of Football/Championship manager back in the day, he was a good egg.
16 years for me, same username since I started.

Post totals mean very little in identifying long-term members since the site has been around in various forms and names, along with completely crashing a time or two and having to start from scratch.

I remember meeting up with a few folks from here years ago at Morty's and had a blast. Rick, Rob, Darryl, Warrior, BMan, and Colonel Korn were a few of the fellow attendees.

Anyone remember Sandra and her love of Jonus Hoglund?

How about Flyer trolls Salzy and Juicer?
There was another aggravating member from Revelstoke B.C. named B.I.D. (Ballard Is Dead).

MGro and the devastating news of her tragic death?

Thank you for all you've done over the years to keep this place going Rick, it's been an interesting ride. I hope all is well!
I came at the tail end of 2006, so it's almost ten years for me. Kind of crazy!

Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk

been here since penalty box started. havent been a heavy poster but lost my post count somewhere along the line.  16 yrs, where did all the time go. should have had at least one cup to celebrate by now.... salzy ha ha. we need more of these guys so that we dont turn on eachother ...
We all lost the post count at one point I think.

I don't remember when I started coming here, but it was penaltybox. I come by most days, but don't post a whole lot.

I do like this place a great deal.

Yeah, over 10 for sure, can't think of exactly the number of rotations now. Remember Shayne, a bunch of others, where's Sucker Punch String? Where's Skippy?

Thanks Rick.
Britishbulldog said:
It's crazy that the 'Rivals.com' network was 16 years ago.  That was weird times.

I remember back when Canada79 would post here when he lived in Hamilton.  I honestly don't know how long ago that was.  I just lurk here now.

Wasn't Canada79 none other than Darryl?