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As if I didn't have enough depression/anxiety issues....

Rick C.

Site Owner
Staff member
Lost control of our car Friday morning, was heading for the rear of another car, and managed to steer around her into the ditch.  In the ditch/sidewalk was a bus stop with large plastic seats.  I ended up on TOP of this bench, smashing it to bits.

Got the car towed to the shop and headed up to the cottage with my brother. 

Got back today, called the shop, and they sent my insurance company a quote for just over $5000.  The car is maybe worth $4000 (it's a 2005 Pontiac Pursuit with high KMs).

Looks like it'll be a writeoff and I'll be lucky to get a $3500 cheque to find a replacement.  Saturday was my birthday - merry F'n birthday.  I haven't worked in a year-and-a-half and have no income yet - although I am qualifying for a CPP-Disability sometime in late February.

Oh, and got charged even though it was a weather issue - "Failure To Remain In My Lane" was the charge - $110.

Unlucky but glad to hear no-one was hurt, especially you.

You should fight that charge, sounds very defensible.
Sorry to hear that Rick, like Tigger I'm glad to hear you are not seriouslly physically injured though.

I was in a crash myself in October, crazy lady ran right into me as she ran a red light, thought I was a goner for a moment.
unfortunately you can't use weather as a reason for crashing a car... You are always supposed to be in control of you vehicle at all times, all weather conditions. The police can charge you (which they did) under the HTA and as well you will he held 'At Fault' by your Insurance company. I know this, I had an accident on the 407 years ago due to weather conditions. I also work in Insurance so.... Hopefully you have an 'accident surcharge waiver' on your policy (which can be redeemd for 1 at fault accident and your premiums won't be affected, but you won't be able to get another ASW for 6 years). If you don't have this on your policy, I would ask your agent/broker (not claim adjuster) on how this accident will impact your premiums on your next renewal. Good luck, at least you weren't injured! Cars can be replaced. People, not so much. :)

Edit to add: If you want to know how much your Insurance Co will 'roughly' give you if the vehicle is a write off, go to AutoTrader.ca, find a vehicle with the same  year/make/model/km/features (or the closest you can) and use those examples to get the best amount. Insurance Co's are supposed to give you 'actual cash value' - meaning if your car wasn't in this accident, what could you have sold it for/what's it worth on the open market. Good luck, get as many examples as you can and show them to the Total Loss Adjuster who will handle the write off.
leafsjunkie said:
Good luck, at least you weren't injured! Cars can be replaced. People, not so much. :)

1.  Air bag didn't go off - I was going that slow.

2.  If ya notice the benches in the pic, damn good thing nobody was waiting for the bus ;)
Rick said:
leafsjunkie said:
Good luck, at least you weren't injured! Cars can be replaced. People, not so much. :)

1.  Air bag didn't go off - I was going that slow.

2.  If ya notice the benches in the pic, damn good thing nobody was waiting for the bus ;)

Yeah, good thing no one was there!

Also now the city or TTC will be coming after your Insurance Co for the damage to the benches etc... too.

Don't let your Insurance Co undercut you on the value of your car if it's a write-off! I can't stress how important it is to do a little research on your own as to what your vehicle worth is and fight for a fair value. :)

I know where I work, we don't undercut anyone, we user AutoTrader to get our values of vehicles, but some Insurance Co's aren't as nice and adjusters sometimes try and pull a fast one just use like the black book or red book values.
Grand River Transit had a supervisor there in a van before the cop showed up.  That can't be a good thing...

I'll try autotrader and kijiji.  I really appreciate that advice!
Rick said:
Grand River Transit had a supervisor there in a van before the cop showed up.  That can't be a good thing...

I'll try autotrader and kijiji.  I really appreciate that advice!

Yeah, they will subrogate against your policy for the damages, but that has no impact on your premiums (whether the damage was $500 or $20,000). Insurance Co's rate via risk, where you live, how much you drive, prior at fault accidents, tickets, how long you've been driving for, how long you've been insured etc... It was just something I wanted to mention because you would be surprised how many people are insured in Ontario that don't actually know how this 'No fault Insurance' works in Ontario (it NEVER means no one is at fault). lol.

FSCO (Financial Services Commision of Ontario) is the government body that legislates Insurance in Ontario. Here is their site if you ever want to see some info/ FAQ's etc...

My brother just happens to be my State Farm Agent.  He can't help much at the claims end of things, but is a big help otherwise...
Rick said:
leafsjunkie said:
Good luck, at least you weren't injured! Cars can be replaced. People, not so much. :)

1.  Air bag didn't go off - I was going that slow.

2.  If ya notice the benches in the pic, damn good thing nobody was waiting for the bus ;)

Grand Theft Auto - 1000 points?

Juste glad you weren't injured, hopefully at all.

Your health always trumps your car.

I was in a similar situation not too long ago (minus the benches).
That photo should help with the charge Rick, I can see some pretty wacky tire marks on the road in the background.
That sucks Rick.  Fight the ticket.  You will be able to get it at least to a lowered charge and amount (possibly just a by-law infraction).  Make sure you check about your insurance with your BIL and see if you have accident forgiveness.

Hubby lost control in a bad snow storm in January 2005 on the 403 at 1 in the morning coming home from work.  Went across 3 lanes and ended up in the guard rail.  OPP did not charge him, said it was due to weather conditions at the time and a nice 18 wheeler spraying slush everywhere but our insurance took us for everything.  We were with State Farm at the time, 16+ years with no "at fault" accidents ever and they wouldn't forgive it.  Our insurance went through the roof.  We changed insurance companies a few years ago and we pay extra for some "accident forgiveness" thing.  Oh and even though the accident comes off your driving record after 6 years, insurance companies make their own policies and our current insurance company goes by 7 years.  So, thankfully, this renewal year (summer) it will finally be off.
So, this accident happened 2 weeks ago.  I'm still in a rental (insurance pays) and have yet to get a quote showing how much they'll pay out for the written off car...
How bad is the damage?  Looks pretty cosmetic to me.  Does it have to be fixed?  Is the car drive-able as-is?
moon111 said:
How bad is the damage?  Looks pretty cosmetic to me.  Does it have to be fixed?  Is the car drive-able as-is?

The engine harness, whatever that is, moved 3 inches. The rad is toast, and the frame is bent.  And the front two wheels need replacing as hitting the curb put dents in the rims.

We put a deposit in on a 2007 Mazda5 today.
People ask me why I post my experiences on my blog (LifeWithPanic.com) or on my Youtube channel or even here. I find it somehow cathartic. It feels good to express my emotions. I know many people can't do that, or won't, or don't understand why I do it. Also, I know a ton of people out here are going through their own battles, like me, and if my sharing my struggles helps others get through their demons - than it's been worth it.

Here's my latest - feel free to share with anyone that you think it could help... http://youtu.be/PAKNbdFRJeg
Rick if wasn't for bad luck you would have no luck at all.
If it's therapeutic to talk then good on you.

I know bad times, and good times hopefully you pull through.
Keep strong!!