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The Official 2012 MLB Thread


Since we do it every year.  I'll start it off again with a funny pic:

I'll start things off with a bit of complaining.

The way they do Opening Day sucks. Four different days where teams start their schedules a week apart? Just one day in future please.
Saint Nik said:
I'll start things off with a bit of complaining.

The way they do Opening Day sucks. Four different days where teams start their schedules a week apart? Just one day in future please.

I know, it's absolutely ridiculous.

Last week Oakland/Seattle which I think most of North America forgot.  Last night, opening night in the middle of the week?  Should have been on a Sunday.  Today half the league and tomorrow the other half.

4 different opening days makes no sense.  You start it on a Sunday night with 1 game, then monday the rest of em.
Verlander starting the season right where he left off - 8 innings, 2 hits, 1 walk, no runs, 7 Ks. Too bad his closer blew it for him.
bustaheims said:
Verlander starting the season right where he left off - 8 innings, 2 hits, 1 walk, no runs, 7 Ks. Too bad his closer blew it for him.

Heh, and by the guy who didn't blow a save last year either. Nice.

Luckily they still won.

Papelbon didn't blow it for Halladay, though. I wonder why Roy didn't finish that game - he only threw 92 pitches and there was no pinch hitter in the top of the 9th. Weird.
Derk said:
Papelbon didn't blow it for Halladay, though. I wonder why Roy didn't finish that game - he only threw 92 pitches and there was no pinch hitter in the top of the 9th. Weird.

Opening Day pitch count. Doc had some elbow issues in the spring, so, they probably wanted to keep him below 100 pitches today, just in case.
Not that I want to get into politics much but the Marlins suspending Guillen is one of the dumbest things I can remember and really says something disheartening about society.
Isn't it no different than the sports/news programs suspending/firing personalities for saying things on air/twitter that were bad?  I thought the consensus around here (and I forget what the situation about that was before) was that a private company disciplining an employee for something they said that they don't want to be associated with was perfectly alright.
Potvin29 said:
Isn't it no different than the sports/news programs suspending/firing personalities for saying things on air/twitter that were bad?  I thought the consensus around here (and I forget what the situation about that was before) was that a private company disciplining an employee for something they said that they don't want to be associated with was perfectly alright.

Well, I can't speak for a general consensus but personally it's not an all or nothing issue. I can't speak to their legal right to do so but I'm certainly not ok with someone being suspended for anything they might say that their bosses might consider "bad".
Potvin29 said:
Isn't it no different than the sports/news programs suspending/firing personalities for saying things on air/twitter that were bad?  I thought the consensus around here (and I forget what the situation about that was before) was that a private company disciplining an employee for something they said that they don't want to be associated with was perfectly alright.

Is saying you like Fidel Castro (policy or longevity-wise) honestly that bad of a thing?  He's hardly a guy who needs to be sainted but in the grand scheme of evil dictators, he's not anywhere near the worst of them.  About the only stupid thing to come of this is how absurd the US' continued hatred of a pawn country of the Soviet Union is.
L K said:
Potvin29 said:
Isn't it no different than the sports/news programs suspending/firing personalities for saying things on air/twitter that were bad?  I thought the consensus around here (and I forget what the situation about that was before) was that a private company disciplining an employee for something they said that they don't want to be associated with was perfectly alright.

Is saying you like Fidel Castro (policy or longevity-wise) honestly that bad of a thing?  He's hardly a guy who needs to be sainted but in the grand scheme of evil dictators, he's not anywhere near the worst of them.  About the only stupid thing to come of this is how absurd the US' continued hatred of a pawn country of the Soviet Union is.

I certainly don't think what he said was that bad, but then again I don't know much about how different the reaction would be in Miami with its big Cuban population.
L K said:
Is saying you like Fidel Castro (policy or longevity-wise) honestly that bad of a thing?

Well, the thing for me is that those two things would make for very different comments. If Guillen had said, dead serious, that he thinks Fidel Castro has been a terrific president and has been good for Cuba and the Cuban people then that would be a political opinion that the Marlins would absolutely like to distance themselves from. I don't think it'd be their place to but it'd at least be something real.

But Guillen made a stupid, off handed comment about how lots of people have tried to kill Castro and failed. That's not a political comment, it's not a serious statement. You can think Castro is the devil himself and acknowledge that.
Potvin29 said:
I certainly don't think what he said was that bad, but then again I don't know much about how different the reaction would be in Miami with its big Cuban population.

In a way, though, that's sort of my point. You're right, there are probably a lot of people in Miami who'll read what Ozzie Guillen said and get angry. My issue is with giving into that sort of mentality. Again, even if Guillen had made a serious political statement about Castro or Cuba then people are allowed to have differing opinions on the subject.

This is more Luke Scott than Marge Schott.
Anybody know why Lincecum sucks all of a sudden?

He's lost a few mph on his fastball this year, and people are blaming it on bad mechanics...does that mean he's pretty much done as a dominant ace pitcher? Or can he fix his arm action and still be great?
No idea, but one article suggested he might be overworked, saying he doesn't have the powerful frame to throw in the same neighbourhood of innings as a Verlander or Sabathia.
Has his delivery at all been questioned or could it be a possible explanation?  From the outset many believed that his current delivery would eventually catch up to him and cause long-term issues and injuries.
The Bobby Valentine hire in Boston is reminding me of Barry Melrose's in Tampa Bay. 

I just can't see this marriage ending up well as I don't think the Red Sox will have much patience if the early season start is any indication.
The Yankees' big off-season acquisition, Michael Pineda, has a torn labrum and is out for 2012.
