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twitter "who to follow"


New member
I don't tweet and only follow about 20 people. I just find it handy to get news and other stuff fast. Anyway, for those who use it, you'll be familiar with the "who to follow" section. Since a lot of us have some pretty common interests, I thought it would be fun to do this in house. That is, what (let's say) 3 people do folks here recommend following?... Recommendations don't need to be hockey/sports related at all but those are certainly welcome additions too.

Here's mine;
@Wilnerness590 (yeah, he's an arrogant boob but his tweets paint a decent enough picture of games I miss.)
@TSNBobMcKenzie (just like the knowledge and reliability and his often ill-fated attempts at being cool.)

Certainly folks don't need to stop at 3. Somewhere down the line, if someone else finds another that's informative or humorous, please share!   
I could probably give you about 20 Leafs-related followers alone. But here's some more assorted ones:

@DonCherryParody - I don't normally like parody accounts, but this one has Cherry down pat
@coreypronman - Covers prospects for a couple different places. Is very active on twitter and is often answering fans questions about what he thinks about a certain guy or who he likes better
@strombone1 - The actual owner of this account is unknown, but it's widely suspected it's Luongo
Can't stop at 3 - here are just a few of my favourites...I could list many more.

@TMLFansRob (shameless self promo)  :)
https://twitter.com/#!/TMLFansRob/tmlfans-members (promo for fellow TMLfans.ca staff and members!)
@ryanwhitney6 - Ryan Whitney of the Oilers - hilarious.
@BizNasty2point0 - Paul Bissonnette of the Coyotes - probably the most famous hockey Tweeter
@ProteauType - Hockey News columnist Adam Proteau, always insightful
@SUN_TYCHKOWSKI - Rob Tychkowski of the Edmonton Sun, quick-witted
@RealGilbert - Gilbert Gottfried, one of my favourite comics
@acoyne - Andrew Coyne, for political commentary - and he'll also chat up sports, on occasion!

For more funnies...

and would you believe @DonRickles... Yes, he tweets!

Edit: and @RealGilbert... Good one Rob!... Man, he was on a roll last night.
Don't get many tweets from it, but when they happen, it is great.

@oldmansearch - "My dad is 82 years old. I'm teaching him how to use the internet. I told him twitter was how to search things on Google. These tweets are what he's searching."
Sarge said:
Edit: and @RealGilbert... Good one Rob!... Man, he was on a roll last night.

My pleasure!  Oh, and if you're not following @TheFakeCNN - well you're just missing out!  ;D
@ConanOBrien - because, I mean, you know.
@chrissyteigen - model/John Legend's girlfriend. Has a knack for offending groups of stupid people (most recently, Chris Brown fans) with hilarious results.
@SarahKSilverman - because, she's awesome

Hockey related:


What twitter app do you folks use on the phone?  The official twitter app on my iPhone keeps crashing...
I use TweetCaster Pro for my tablet (not sure if it's available or works on the phone) and while I love it, I find it crashes too... Usually happens about once a day... I can live with that. 
I use TweetDeck on the comp and ubersocial on the blackberry.

Who to follow:

@JLupul - doesn't tweet much but when he does it's pretty funny stuff.

@odognine2 - Jeff O'Neil, the retired Leaf.  gets into it with fans sometimes and fires some pretty blunt shots at all kinds of people. 

For Leafs/Hockey:

@jonasTSN1050 - to me is the most unbiased, least jaded Leafs beat guy out there. Reports information with minimal opinion to skew it.

@TSNBobMcKenzie - best of the best.

@Proteautype - can delve into too many social issues at times but in general is pretty funny and responds to replies quite a bit.

@mike_p_johnson - because he's a former Leaf and also not jaded like most media.. yet.

@aaronward_nhl - pretty funny on twitter. Throws out some honest stuff.

I don't follow Bruce Arthur because of his incredibly massive god complex. I mean, wow.


@robdelaney - crude, whacked out humor, but makes me bust a gut on almost every tweet.

@AnimalsBeDicks - has cooled off of late but runs a pretty hilarious site full of animated gifs of animals doing bizarre things.

@JimGaffigan - hooot pocket.
Corn Flake said:
@robdelaney - crude, whacked out humor, but makes me bust a gut on almost every tweet.

@JimGaffigan - hooot pocket.

lol... So followed! Some pretty funny characters follow these guys too, I see.
As I expand my list, I still haven't brought myself to follow any athletes. - Not one. No Leafs, no Jays, and nobody from my favorite football team. I really haven't found that any of them have much interesting to say. I mean, how sad is it when of the group, I find Travis Snider's (@Lunchboxhero45) eating habits the most "interesting" of them all? 

Edit: Still trying to decide if he's worth it...   
definitely Jeff O'Neill.  @odognine2    I just peed myself laughing at the last dozen or so. He's on a rampage right now against something that drives me insane too: Men/youth wearing socks with their sandals or flipflops. WtF!